Tactical, Evidence-Based & Step-by-Step Implementation
Tactical, Evidence-Based & Step-by-Step Implementation
From Microsurgical Endodontics by Dr. Arnaldo Castellucci, Edra Publishing
As the demands of patients evolve, endodontists and dentists need more and better surgical skills to provide the best care and prevent complications.
Join our 2-day virtual summit (and pre-summit online workshops!) and learn from the best in the field.
You’ll grow your skills, expand your services, and see the secrets of surgical success
From Microsurgical Endodontics by Dr. Arnaldo Castellucci, Edra Publishing
As the demands of patients evolve, endodontists and dentists need more and better surgical skills to provide the best care and prevent complications.
Join our 2-day virtual summit (and pre-summit online workshops!) and learn from the best in the field.
You’ll grow your skills, expand your services, and see the secrets of surgical success.
16 International Expert Speakers
Learn from Both Practicing
Specialists & Academicians
Watch Live from the Comfort of your Home
16 International Expert Speakers
Learn from Both, Practicing
Specialists & Academicians
Watch live from the comfort of your home
How do Piezosurgery & guides offer precision endodontic surgery? This presentation will introduce the participant to the indications/ contraindications of the Bony Lid technique...
How effective is endodontic treatment? Data from outcomes studies and systematic reviews performed by the presenter will be used to describe the success and survival rates...
Why does flap design matter in endodontic surgery? This presentation will cover selecting appropriate flap designs and clinical approaches to enhance soft tissue structure and position...
When is surgery the best option for managing root defects? Defects like different kinds of resorptions are in many cases asymptomatic for months or years thus the size of defect can be harmful...
Can intentional re-implantation save a tooth? This presentation aims to explore clinical scenarios where diagnosis, digital technology, and case selection can influence decisions...
How do digital tools revolutionize endodontic surgery planning? This lecture will cover some of these latest tools including the usage of 3D printing, VR and AR, and digital planning software to better aid in treatment planning...
How do modern tools improve decision-making in endodontic surgery? Modern techniques use magnification and ultrasonic tips for precise root-end resection and retrograde canal preparation, leading to...
How can we improve healing after endodontic surgery? This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of evidence-based supportive treatments and protocols to enhance healing outcomes in endodontic surgery.
How do Piezosurgery & guides offer precision endodontic surgery? This presentation will introduce the participant to the indications/ contraindications of the Bony Lid technique...
How effective is endodontic treatment? Data from outcomes studies and systematic reviews performed by the presenter will be used to describe the success and survival rates...
Why does flap design matter in endodontic surgery? This presentation will cover selecting appropriate flap designs and clinical approaches to enhance soft tissue structure and position...
When is surgery the best option for managing root defects? Defects like different kinds of resorptions are in many cases asymptomatic for months or years thus the size of defect can be harmful...
Can intentional re-implantation save a tooth? This presentation aims to explore clinical scenarios where diagnosis, digital technology, and case selection can influence decisions...
How do digital tools revolutionize endodontic surgery planning? This lecture will cover some of these latest tools including the usage of 3D printing, VR and AR, and digital planning software to better aid in treatment planning...
How do modern tools improve decision-making in endodontic surgery? Modern techniques use magnification and ultrasonic tips for precise root-end resection and retrograde canal preparation, leading to...
Is resecting 3mm of the root in endodontic surgery truly necessary? This presentation will explore the technique of “surgical retreatment,” comparing it to EMS, and addressing whether resecting 3mm is necessary...
How can we improve healing after endodontic surgery? This lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of evidence-based supportive treatments and protocols to enhance healing outcomes in endodontic surgery.
How do lasers improve outcomes in apical microsurgery? The integration of laser technology into apical microsurgery has significantly enhanced procedural efficiency and patient outcomes...
by October 1, 2024
$645 (by Oct 12, 2024)
$695 (same day)
by October 1, 2024
$645 (by Oct 12, 2024)
$695 (same day)
From Microsurgical Endodontics by Dr. Arnaldo Castellucci, Edra Publishing
This lecture explores whether bone grafting is necessary in apical surgery, emphasizing the sufficiency of proper endodontic therapy for successful treatment. It also discusses the use of three-dimensional CBCT for demonstrating healing.
Once teeth are periodontally sound or can be made so, they can all be treated successfully endodontically if we can obturate all the foramina (portals of exit of pathology), regardless of whether the approach is nonsurgical or surgical. Granulomas and cysts, the lesions we often treat, are simply lesions of endodontic origin and can successfully heal with proper endodontic therapy. If they heal non-surgically, as shown by three-dimensional CBCT, it is evident that we don’t need to use any bone graft or membrane during surgical therapy, just as we don’t use them during nonsurgical therapy. Successful endodontic therapy requires removing the infection from the root canal system and perfectly sealing all existing communications between the endodontium and the periodontium, whether using an ortograde or a retrograde approach.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Castellucci graduated in Medicine in 1973 and he specialized in Dentistry in 1977. From 1978 to 1980 he attended continuing education courses on Endodontics at Boston University School of Graduate Dentistry. As well as running a practice limited to Endodontics, Dr. Castellucci is Past President of the Italian Endodontic Society, Past President of the International Federation of Endodontic Associations, Active Member of the European Society of Endodontology, Active Member of the American Association of Endodontists.
He is Assistant Professor of Endodontics at the University of Cagliari and Professor of Micro Surgical Endodontics at the University Federico II of Naples. He is also teacher of Endodontics at the University of Siena and at the University of Brescia.
He is a very well-known international lecturer and gave lectures in about 66 different countries all around the world.
He published more than 60 articles on Endodontics in the most prestigious Endodontic Journals and wrote chapter in several prestigious endodontic textbooks.
He is the author of the textbook “Endodontics”, now available in Italian, English, Russian and soon also in Chinese, Macedonian and Turkish, with more than 1,600.00 pages and about 80 QR Codes, and is also the author of the new textbook “Micro Surgical Endodontics”, full of illustrations and videos, both edited by EDRA, also available is several languages.
Recently has been nominated Assistant Professor of Endodontics at Boston University, Faculty of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and Honorary Diplomate at the Indian Board of Endodontics of the Indian Endodontic Society.
He lives and practices in Florence and can be reached at 39 055 571114 or at castellucciarnaldo@gmail.com, www.endocastellucci.com
His hobbies are gardening, barbeque, travelling and …teaching!
This lecture introduces the bony lid technique, a novel approach in endodontic microsurgery that enhances visualization and bone regeneration. It also discusses the use of Piezosurgery for precise and biocompatible osseous incisions.
Techniques and technologies have been developed to meet the demands of evolving micro techniques, extending beyond the classical endodontic armamentarium. A recent example is the implementation of the Piezosurgical technique for root end surgery. Posterior sites, with substantial cortical plate thicknesses and sensitive anatomy, present a challenge in balancing visualization with post-surgical bone regeneration. The bony lid technique bridges this gap, and Piezosurgery enables precise and biocompatible osseous incisions. This presentation will cover the indications and contraindications of the bony lid technique, the fabrication of a precision endodontic surgical stent (PRESS), and the execution of the technique in a mandibular molar site.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Niemczyk graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, receiving his D.M.D. in 1982 and his postgraduate Endodontic certificate in 1984. Since 1995, Dr. Niemczyk has been the Director of Endodontic Microsurgery at the IB Bender Postdoctoral Endodontic Program at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, and was recently named the Assistant Program Director in 2018.
He is the 2020 recipient of the AAE Calvin D. Torneck Part-Time Educator Award, and also serves as a surgical consultant to the Naval Postgraduate Endodontic Program at the Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, and the U. S. Army Endodontic Residency Program in Fort Gordon, GA.
Dr. Niemczyk has lectured extensively in the U.S., Central America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia on topics ranging from Microsurgery and Intentional Replantation to advances in Non-Surgical Endodontics and Cone-Beam CT. He has authored numerous papers, chapters on Microsurgery in Dental Clinics of North America, Ingle’s Endodontics 7th Edition and CBCT in Non-Surgical Retreatment.
He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Journal of Endodontics and the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology. He is the founder of Endodontic Microsurgical Innovations, dedicated to the development of new treatment techniques and instrumentation. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics, and maintains a full-time practice limited to Endodontics in Drexel Hill, PA.
This lecture explores the outcomes and place of endodontic surgery within comprehensive patient care, comparing it with other treatment options. It emphasizes modern microsurgical techniques and their impact on tooth survival rates.
Initial root canal treatment is highly successful, appreciated by patients, and cost-effective, but failures can still occur. While most failures are due to remaining intracanal bacteria, extracanal bacteria can present particular clinical challenges. Systematic reviews show high tooth survival rates for nonsurgical retreatment, apical surgery, replantation, and autotransplantation. Single-tooth implants also have high survival rates, but the natural state has intrinsic value. Modern microsurgical endodontic treatment, using magnification, ultrasonics, and calcium-silicate materials, is superior to traditional surgical endodontic treatment and achieves higher tooth survival rates. This presentation will utilize data from outcome studies and systematic reviews conducted by the presenter to describe the success and survival rates of endodontic surgery. Patient-based considerations will also be discussed, defining the place and rationale for endodontic surgery within comprehensive patient care.
Learning Objectives:
Shane White is a Professor of Dentistry at the UCLA School of Dentistry, in the Section of Endodontics within the Division of Regenerative and Reconstructive Sciences. A native of Ireland, he received his dental training from Trinity College Dublin. He spent several years in general practice and part-time teaching in Dublin before moving to California, where he received a master’s degree in Oral Biology and specialty residency training in prosthodontics as well as in endodontics from UCLA, and a PhD in Craniofacial Biology from USC.
He enjoys teaching in D.D.S. programs; post D.D.S. programs, endodontic and prosthodontic residency / specialty certificate programs; mentoring student researchers; as well as providing continuing education for practicing general dentists and specialists. Teaching activities include lecture, seminar, technique laboratory, and clinical patient care formats. Over 100 students have received research mentorship, these include BA, MS, PhD, DDS, Advanced Clinical Trainee, Resident, Visiting Scholar, students; Visiting Researchers; and faculty members – they have won over 40 awards, grants and prizes while in his lab. Considerable emphasis has been given to the scientific mentoring of DDS students. Broader interest in curriculum spurred service as chair of the School of Dentistry Curriculum Committee and as developer of a novel portfolio-based endodontic curriculum. He has received a half dozen teaching awards.
His current research interests include dental biological materials, genetic-structural relationships in tooth structure – how teeth are put together and can be engineered, and in patient-centered endodontics and dental outcomes – focusing on the human side. He has won several major awards for his research. He has held a handful of National Institutes of Health (NIH/NIDCR) grants as principal investigator. Dr. White has authored over 130 research papers in both high impact basic science journals as well as in leading clinical specialty journals, as well as many more abstracts and book chapters. His h-index is more than 50. He has been listed in the Stanford University Study as being among the top 2% of scientists worldwide. He has given over 300 invited scholarly lectures around the world.
He served as Chair, University of California Academic Senate, and as Faculty Representative to the University of California Board of Regents, being one of the 3 principal leaders of the University of California in 2016-18. The University of California, considered to be the World’s leading public research university, has over half a million students and employees, and an annual budget of over $40B. Professor White’s record of University of California leadership and service is remarkably broad and deep, initially focused on faculty welfare and budgetary issues. He chaired the University Committee on Faculty Welfare in 2009-10, serving it for an entire decade. He was a member of UCFW’s Health Care Task Force and a chair of UCFW’s Task Force on Investment and Retirement. He was a Senate representative to President Yudof’s 2009-2010 Task Force on Post-Employment Benefits, and to President Napolitano’s 2015-16 Retirement Options Task Force. He also served the UC Retirement System Advisory Board as chair, charged with developing ideas or new approaches to the provisions of UCRS benefits, then a $70B trust. He was 2015-16 chair of the University Committee on Planning and Budget, advising on the annual budget. Currently, he serves the UC systemwide Health Care Task Force again.
In addition to his UC systemwide service, White has a notable record of Senate and departmental service at UCLA, where he served as Chair of the UCLA Division of the Academic Senate in 2020-21, being in office throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic from 2019-23. Previously, he served four terms as chair of the Faculty Welfare Committee, as well as serving the University Emeriti Committee, the Council of Senate & Faculty Executive Committee Chairs, the Legislative General Assembly, the Senate Executive Board, the Council on Planning and Budget, and the Council on Academic Promotion. Currently, he chairs the UCLA Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction. Within the School of Dentistry, he has chaired the Section of Endodontics, the school’s Curriculum Committee and both of its faculty advancement committees. As a professor, and in all of his servant-leadership positions, he has striven to promote access, diversity, equity, inclusion, transparency, and accountability.
He surfs whenever he can.
This lecture emphasizes the importance of soft tissue management in endodontic surgery and how proper flap design can impact surgical outcomes and esthetics. It explores clinical approaches for improving soft tissue structure, especially in compromised cases.
The success rate of endodontic surgery has significantly improved over the past two decades, largely due to advances in bone remodeling and healing of apical periodontitis. However, soft tissue management, often overlooked during treatment planning, is crucial. Poor management can lead to gingival recession or scarring, which can be of esthetic concern. This is even more challenging in patients with pre-existing compromised soft tissue structures. In this presentation, we will discuss selecting the appropriate flap design based on the patient’s soft tissue biotype. Additionally, we will present clinical approaches aimed at improving soft tissue structure and positioning in cases requiring endodontic surgery.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Azim is an Associate Professor, Chair of the Endodontic Department, and the Director of the Post-Graduate Program at University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. He maintains a private practice limited to Endodontics and he is also the Founder and CEO of Endolit.
Dr. Azim earned his BDS from Cairo University, where he also did his Endodontic training. He later completed his Endodontic certificate at Columbia University, and since then, he has been a full-time Educator and a Part-Time Private Practitioner. Before Joining the University of the Pacific, he Served as the Division Head and the Director of the Endodontic Post-Graduate Program at University at Buffalo.
Dr. Azim is the recipient of the 2023 AAE Edward M. Osetek Award for outstanding educators. He is Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics and has lectured all over the world. He has over 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and several text-book chapters contributions. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics, and a reviewer for multiple other Endodontic Journals.
This lecture covers the surgical repair of root perforations and resorptions, focusing on managing defects that may be asymptomatic but harmful. It highlights the effectiveness of surgical interventions when conventional intracanal treatments are insufficient.
Defects such as various types of resorptions are often asymptomatic for months or even years, which can lead to significant harm to the tooth by the time they are detected. Internal resorptions may perforate the root wall, and different types of external resorptions can damage the root structure. Additionally, iatrogenic procedures can severely compromise the root and prognosis of the treatment. In cases where the size and location of the perforation make intracanal management challenging or unfeasible, surgical repair becomes a valuable option, potentially allowing the tooth to survive for many years.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Bartlomiej Karas is the CEO of the Medical Training Center Karaś near Wrocław, Poland. and the inventor of the LessPrepEndo laser based endodontic technique. He graduated Medical University, School of Dentistry in Wrocław in 2009 in is a Vice President of Section of Endodontics of Polish Dental Association, Cofounder of Dental Masters Group, European Society of Endodontology, Polish Society for Laser Dentistry, World Federation for Laser Dentistry, Polish Endodontic Association.
Dr. Karas is the author of numerous articles about endodontics in dental magazines around the world. KOL and coworker leading companies in dental business since 2013. Coauthor of the book “Endodoncja w ujęciu klinicznym” red. Prof. Marta Tanasiewicz. Since 2013 he has performed over 400 lectures and hands-on trainings in 15 countries on 4 continents. So far he had more than 4000 participants from 35 countries on his workshops.
This lecture explores the role of intentional re-implantation in modern endodontic surgery, emphasizing its relevance as a valid option despite advances in treatment. It highlights how digital technology and case selection can impact the decision to use this technique.
Endodontic surgery has advanced significantly over the last two decades, enhancing the precision and predictability of treatments. While surgical endodontic treatments are generally predictable and successful, some complex cases may still present challenges. Sometimes, traditional techniques, such as intentional re-implantation, can offer a viable solution, even if they are less common today. This presentation aims to demonstrate clinical scenarios where diagnosis, digital technology, and case selection may lead a clinician to consider intentional re-implantation as a valid option for saving a tooth.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. David Kelliny earned his Bachelor’s in Dental Surgery from Cairo University in 1992; He graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from University of Southern California in 1998 and earned a Certificate in Endodontics also from USC in 2001.
Dr. Kelliny is the creator and patent holder of the Endodontic Access guides, https://patents.justia.com/patent/11191616. He is one of the first endodontists to integrate dental implants into his practice in 2003.
He lectured extensively about Endodontic Guides and Dental implants and the use of planning software such as BlueSkyPlan, Simplant, Codiagnostix; integrating 3D software and Dental implants into the modern endodontic practice and General dentistry. He lectured at local and international levels about Surgical implantology and the use of 3D printed custom guides for implant placement and Endodontic surgeries.
He is currently a part time Clinical Assistant Professor at the Herman Ostrow School of dentistry of USC post graduate Endodontic program; he was the director of an elective surgical implant course for endodontic residents between 2008-2013. Dr. Kelliny has been teaching at USC since 2002; he is involved in teaching and lecturing residents on various aspects of endodontics with a specific emphasis on surgical endodontics, 3D endodontics and Dental Implants.
Dr. Kelliny is a member of the American Dental Association, California Dental Association, Western Los Angeles Dental Society, American Association of Endodontists, American Dental Society Anesthesiology, and International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
This lecture explores the latest digital tools available for planning and executing endodontic surgery, including 3D printing, VR, AR, and digital planning software. It highlights how these technologies enhance treatment planning and surgical outcomes.
With recent advancements in digital technology, modern practitioners have access to an array of tools beyond traditional CBCT to assist in treatment planning and execution of endodontic surgeries. This lecture will cover the utilization of cutting-edge tools such as 3D printing, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and digital planning software. These technologies provide enhanced support in planning and performing various aspects of endodontic surgery, offering improved precision and efficiency.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Gordon Lai received his DDS degree from University of California San Francisco School of Dentistry in 2006 and subsequently completed a one year GPR at the VA Palo Alto. While serving as the associate dental director at a community clinic in the SF Bay Area for 10 years, he was also active in mentoring residents for the UCSF/NYU Langone AEGD residency program. He subsequently completed his endodontics specialty training at University of Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in 2020 and is currently teaching part time as an assistant professor at UOP as well as working in private practice.
One of his passions is teaching students and general dentists worldwide about the fundamentals of endodontics through his Instagram account: predoc_endo_tips, One of his main areas of research interest is finding innovative ways to incorporate 3D printing, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality into clinical practice as well as dental education.
This lecture focuses on decision-making in surgical endodontic treatment, emphasizing the role of magnification and ultrasonic tips in achieving precise outcomes. It highlights the integration of evidence-based dentistry principles to ensure predictable treatment results.
The primary goal of surgical endodontic treatment is to prevent the invasion of bacteria and their by-products from the root canal system into the peri-radicular tissues. It is indicated for teeth with apical periodontitis when nonsurgical treatment is impractical. Modern surgical endodontics utilizes magnification to perform accurate procedures with minimal root-end resection and retrograde canal preparation, assisted by ultrasonic tips. Applying evidence-based dentistry principles—by integrating research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient-related factors—enhances the decision-making process and leads to more predictable treatment outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Igor Tsesis received his DMD from Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry in 1990 and in 2003 graduated cum laude from the Post-Graduate Endodontic Program at the Dental School of Tel Aviv University, Israel. He is currently Associate professor and serves as Head of the Department of Endodontics in Tel Aviv University. Dr. Tsesis is past-president of the Israeli Endodontic Society and a member of the Scientific Council of the Israeli Dental Association. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Endodontics and serves as a number of the editorial board of the several dental journals.
Dr. Tsesis is editor of the Springer book Complications in Endodontic Surgery (2014) and co-editor of the Springer books Vertical Root Fractures in Dentistry (2015), Evidence-Based Decision Making in Dentistry (2017) and Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions (2020). His research include more than 90 publications in the leading journals concerning diagnosis and treatment of complications following root canal therapy and endodontic surgery.
This lecture covers the use of computer-guided techniques in endodontic microsurgery, highlighting their accuracy and benefits in accessing challenging anatomical areas conservatively. It explores the positive impact of technology on treatment and tooth preservation.
Advances in dentistry have enabled the implementation of computer-guided techniques with such precision that we can now access the most challenging anatomical areas more safely and conservatively. This presentation will discuss various aspects of guided endodontic microsurgery, drawing on scientific literature and clinical experience. We will explore how technology positively impacts these treatments and facilitates the preservation of natural teeth.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Paula Villa is an endodontist graduated from Universidad CES in Medellin, Colombia. She is cofounder of the graduated endodontic program in Universidad de Antioquia, where she is a Titular Professor. Dr. Villa is the former president of the Colombian Association of Endodontists, she has authored scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and has her private practice limited to Endodontics and Endodontic Microsurgery in Medellín, Colombia.
This lecture reintroduces surgical extrusion as a viable treatment option for teeth with subcrestal fractures, caries, resorptions, or perforations. It highlights how this technique can be preferable to crown lengthening when the margin is close to the osseous crest.
Teeth with subcrestal fractures, subgingival caries, resorptions, or perforations in the cervical third of the roots are often considered compromised due to violations of biologic width and limited ferrule. Traditionally, crown lengthening has been the preferred method to address these issues. However, when the margin is close to the osseous crest due to fractures or extensive caries, resulting in excessive ostectomy that could affect adjacent teeth, surgical extrusion becomes a viable alternative. Surgical extrusion involves controlled luxation and extrusion of the root and has a favorable prognosis with a low incidence of root resorption, comparable to extrusive luxation. This presentation will emphasize the benefits and reintroduce surgical extrusion as an important treatment option.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Rajiv Patel is a practicing endodontist in Dallas, Texas, USA for over 15 years. He graduated from the University of Southern California where he obtained his DDS and Certificate in Endodontics. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics and has practiced clinical dentistry for over 26 years. Dr. Patel has published clinical papers and textbook chapters on endodontic topics and is the founding member of several study clubs. He is also a fellow and founding member of the International Academy of Endodontics.
Dr. Patel is currently the president of the International Academy of Endodontics. Dr. Patel maintains a private practice Endodontic Excellence in Flower Mound and Argyle. He has a passion for teaching and teaches a hands-on endodontic course “Endodontic Success for the General Dentist”. Dr. Patel’s goal is to raise global standards for endodontic care by disseminating endodontic education. Dr. Patel is married and is a proud father of two daughters. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends.
This lecture addresses the management of complications in apicoectomy and other endodontic surgeries, focusing on advancements in techniques and materials that enhance success rates. It covers the role of surgical microscopes, ultrasonic tools, and biocompatible materials in improving outcomes.
Apicoectomy is often considered when conventional endodontic treatment fails to resolve tooth infections effectively. Over the past 30 years, the use of surgical operating microscopes has significantly improved the ability to detect fractures, isthmuses, and extra canals within the tooth. Additionally, minimally invasive techniques with ultrasonic tools have enhanced the clinician’s ability to perform root-end preparations effectively and efficiently. The introduction of biocompatible materials has further contributed to the success rates of endodontic surgery. This presentation will explore these advancements and their impact on managing complications in endodontic surgery.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Ralan Wong is a 5th generation San Franciscan and a 3rd generation alumnus from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. He completed his graduate training in endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in 1997 where he earned the Grossman Award for outstanding clinical and academic performance. He has been inducted into numerous Academies and Colleges in Dentistry. Dr. Wong maintains a private practice in San Francisco and is also an associate clinical professor in endodontics at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry.
This lecture by Dr. Simon addresses the risks, prevention, and management of gum recession in endodontic surgery, offering insights into effective surgical techniques and soft tissue management from a periodontist’s perspective.
One of the known risks of surgery is gingival recession. This can lead to increased thermal sensitivities, esthetic concerns and loss of attachment compromising the prognosis of teeth involved. Clinicians performing endodontic surgery might encounter this type of complication, leading to patient dissatisfaction and possibility of lawsuits.
In this lecture, Dr. Simon will review the risk factors for gingival recession when performing surgery and how to manage them once they occur.
He will review his perspective as a periodontist on tissue quality, preventative measures and management options for when recession happens. Dr. Simon will share tips on incision outlines and flap design that will help participants execute safe surgical measures and managing soft tissue recession complication.
Learning Objectives:
Ziv Simon is a periodontist practicing in Beverly Hills, California. He obtained his dental degree from Tel Aviv University, where he held a teaching position in the Department of Prosthodontics. He received his periodontal graduate degree from the University of Toronto where he obtained a Master of Science degree in Periodontology.
He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and Implant surgery and a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada in the discipline of periodontology.
Dr. Simon has conducted scientific and clinical research on bone engineering, dental implants and soft tissue surgery and has published in peer-reviewed journals like Implant Dentistry, Journal of the California Dental Association, International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, Journal of the Canadian dental association and more.
This lecture examines the rationale behind resecting 3mm of the root in endodontic microsurgery (EMS) and explores whether this practice is truly necessary or supported by scientific evidence. It also introduces the concept of “surgical retreatment” as an alternative.
Since its introduction about 30 years ago, endodontic microsurgery (EMS) has focused on the precise management of the root-end, achieving a high success rate of approximately 90%. While the rationale for resecting 3mm of the apical root has some scientific basis, the specific recommendation to prepare and seal exactly 3mm of the canal lacks robust scientific support. If we view EMS as an extension of coronal endodontic retreatment, aiming to clean and seal the entire canal space, it seems unusual that EMS focuses only on the root-end. It is even more puzzling that the endodontic community has largely accepted this approach with minimal research or development to challenge it.
This presentation will explore potential reasons for this practice, assess whether resecting 3mm of the root is mandatory, and evaluate if preparing more than 3mm of the canal could be beneficial. Additionally, it will introduce and compare the technique of “surgical retreatment” with EMS.
Learning Objectives:
In 1992, Dr. Amir Weissman graduated with honors from the Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem. In 1999, he concluded the specialty program in endodontics at the Department of Endodontology at Tel Aviv University. He has been a certified endodontics specialist since 2000.
Since completing his specialization, he was a faculty member at the Department of Endodontology at Tel Aviv University until 2021. He is currently in charge of clinical instruction for postgraduates in the specialty program in endodontics at the Department of Endodontology at the Hebrew University Hadassah, Jerusalem. He is a former president of the Israeli Endodontic Society. He also serves as an examiner in the endodontic board exams on behalf of the Scientific Council of the Israel Dental Association. His private clinic in Tel Aviv is limited to endodontics. His main field of interest is endodontic microsurgery, a subject he researches and lectures on both locally and worldwide.
This lecture focuses on the critical skill of removing broken implant screws, positioning endodontists as key resources for general practitioners (GPs) and enhancing referral relationships. It outlines the technical steps and practice-building strategies associated with this challenging but rewarding procedure.
Broken implant screws pose a significant challenge in dental practice, often necessitating referrals to specialists. By mastering the removal techniques, endodontists can provide essential services to GPs, enhancing patient outcomes and strengthening professional networks. This procedure not only addresses immediate clinical challenges but also serves as an effective practice builder.
The presentation will cover detailed aspects of the process, including radiographic assessment, access evaluation, specialized instrumentation, and removal techniques. Additionally, strategies for practice building through educational outreach, marketing, and collaboration with GPs will be discussed.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Rashad Riman is a leading practitioner of biomimetic, implant, and high-end cosmetic dentistry with feldspathic porcelain in Beverly Hills, California.
He has extensive expertise in both the surgical and restorative aspects of dentistry and uses and teaches technologies such as laser, dynamic navigation, guided surgery and use of a microscope for patient care.
He is the co-founder of the SurgicalMaster platform with over 100,000 dentists globally. Dr. Riman is working to inspire and educate the next generation of dentists, sharing his expertise and passion for dental excellence.
As a practitioner, educator, and innovator, Dr. Riman is committed to elevating the standards of dentistry and providing his profession and patients with unparalleled expertise and care.
This lecture provides a comprehensive overview of evidence-based strategies to enhance healing outcomes in endodontic surgery, covering pre-operative and post-operative protocols. It includes insights into integrating supportive treatments to improve patient outcomes and minimize complications.
This presentation will review evidence-based supportive treatments and protocols designed to optimize healing in endodontic surgery. It will cover pre-operative strategies, such as patient assessment, oral care guidance, nutritional optimization, and psychological preparation. The lecture will also address traditional and integrative post-operative protocols aimed at enhancing wound healing and promoting tissue regeneration. Topics will include commonly prescribed medications and supplements, oral rinses, laser therapy, regenerative biotechnologies, and bioenergetics. Attendees will learn how to integrate these protocols into their practice to achieve better patient outcomes and reduce post-surgical complications.
Learning Objectives:
Dr. Valerie Kanter is a Board-Certified Endodontist and naturopath, specializing in integrative and regenerative endodontics. She graduated from the University of Florida College of Dentistry with her DMD and MS, becoming a 3rd generation dentist with a true passion for saving teeth. Dr Kanter holds licenses in California and Florida and teaches clinical endodontics at UCLA, where she educates dental students and residents on the latest advancements in vital pulp therapy and root canal treatment. She is the founder of Integrative Endodontics in Santa Monica, CA, with a mission to bring compassion to the science of dentistry and creating optimal conditions for health in each patient’s whole body.
The integration of laser technology into apical microsurgery has significantly enhanced procedural efficiency and patient outcomes. Lasers offer unparalleled precision, enabling microsurgeons to perform root-end resections with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues. This precision results in cleaner cuts and preserves healthy tissue, reducing post-operative inflammation and pain. The ability of lasers to achieve hemostasis rapidly improves visibility during surgery, allowing for more accurate execution of complex tasks. Additionally, we can close and seal the dentinal tubular inside the prep, and in the sounding area during the procedure.
Dr. Isaac Kably is a distinguished endodontist with an extensive background in laser dentistry. He earned his Dental Surgeon degree from Universidad Tecnológica de México and further specialized with a Certificate in Endodontics from New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Kably holds multiple masterships in laser dentistry from renowned institutions such as AALZ in Germany and the World Clinical Laser Institute in the USA. He also achieved a Master of Science in Laser Dentistry from RWTH Aachen University and completed training in Non-Invasive Neuromodulation at the University of Las Palmas in Spain.
With a passion for education, Dr. Kably serves as an active faculty member in Laser Endodontics at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, RWTH Aachen University in Germany, and the European Laser Academy. His expertise has also led him to teach at the World Clinical Laser Institute. Dr. Kably has delivered lectures and courses on laser dentistry and endodontics in over 20 countries, sharing his knowledge and advancing the field of endodontics globally.Education: • Universidad Tecnológica de México
• Dental Surgeon.
• New York University College of Dentistry (USA)
• Certificate in Endodontics
• AALZ (Germany)
• Mastership in Laser Dentistry and Laser Safety Officer
• RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
• Master of Science in Laser Dentistry.
• World Clinical Laser Institute (USA)
• Mastership in Laser Dentistry
• American Academy of Sleep Medicine (USA)
University of Las Palmas (Spain)
• Non-Invasive NeuromodulationTeaching Experience: • Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria
• Active Faculty in Laser Endodontics
• RWTH Aachen University, Germany
• Laser Endodontics
• European Laser Academy (ELA)
• Laser Endodontics
• World Clinical Laser Institute (WCLI)
• Laser Dentistry & Laser in Endodontics • Delivered lectures and courses in more than 20 different countries.