Orthodontic treatment is such a great thing for patients and very rewarding for the doctor. It’s a great moment when the braces come off and patients can smile with straight teeth.
It’s different for patients with periodontal disease.
You have to be REALLY careful with orthodontic treatment. Inflammation can worsen, pockets and mobility can increase, and the ortho treatment will not be effective. You can also be concerned about worsening of recession and mucogingival problems.
In this week’s video, I give my opinion on a complex perio-ortho case. A dentist from Pakistan sent this case to me for review.

To your surgical success!
Ziv Simon, DMD, MSc
Creator of SurgicalMaster™, The Surgical Training for Dentists
PS: Dr. Hasan, who shared this case with me, already watched this video and promised to keep me posted on this case